
join us in bringing thought-leadership to the industry

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INFORMS is the leading association for professional and students
who apply science, math, technology, and analytics to
make smarter decisions for a better world.

Upcoming Events

INFORMS Analytics+ Conference
April 6-8, 2025 | Indianapolis, IN

Reasons to Attend


Prior Events

INFORMS Business Analytics Conference
2023 | Denver, CO
2022 | Houston, TX

INFORMS Annual Conference
2022 | Indianapolis, IN

understand the emerging trend of Decision Science

Decision Science for Leaders

Technology Workshop
comprehensive workshop on strategies, motivations, and techniques via examples

the Decision Science lifecycle

Technology Tutorial
immersive session with numerous hands-on decision scenarios, from pre- to post-mortem

prepare to DECIDE BETTER

dive into the workshop details

How do you decide who to hire, when a phase-gate has been achieved, or which project to resource next? Chances are, you rely on intuition... which could otherwise be known as habits, biases, and, group-think. What if you could elevate your decision-making… to decide using information. To decide better?

What will I learn from this session?

  • Learn how to apply structured Decision Science techniques to everyday life… as an employee, entrepreneur, student, or parent!
  • Understand how and why organizations use these techniques (with examples)

What insights will I come away with?

  • Core frameworks of Weighted Value and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for a decision-maker, facilitator, or domain expert
  • Appreciate the value of reflecting, conducting post-mortems (and pre-mortems!)

Decision Science at your fingertips

Don't make another decision without Volley!