
join us in bringing thought-leadership to the industry

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Society of Decision Professionals

The World Forum On Decision Making
a great decision, every time

Upcoming Events

SDP Annual Conference
2026: Boston, MA, USA
2025: Vancouver, Canada

Prior Events

Decide Better: Decision Science for Leaders
an immersive workshop on the future of decision-making
offered to SDP members on April 11, 2023

How do you decide who to hire,
if a risky system launch is a 'go',
or which project to fund next?

Chances are, you rely on intuition... which can be heavily influenced by habits, biases, and, groupthink. What if you could elevate your decision-making… to decide using information. To decide better?

Decide Better is an immersive workshop on Decision Science for Executives, Portfolio & Project Managers, Product Development Professionals, and Aspiring Leaders. Developed by entrepreneur & educator Matthew John Brady, this 4 hour interactive session will provide you with strategies, motivations, and techniques via real audience examples. Learn why high-quality decision-making is a competitive differentiator and an ethical imperative.

Further, hands-on demonstrations of numerous decision scenarios, from pre- to post-mortem, will show you how Behavioral Economics can be incorporated into your decision lifecycle.

Attendees will leave informed on innovative uses of analytics to support decision-making at an individual, team, and organizational level, and equipped with these tools improve decision processes and outceoms.

discrete decisions

deciding who to hire; choosing a car; picking a college

open-ended decisions

knowing when to "go" or "no go"; managing a phase-gate process

continuous decisions

prioritizing projects; assigning resources; conducting stack-ranking

What will I learn from this session?

  • Learn how to apply structured Decision Science techniques to everyday life… as an employee, entrepreneur, student, or parent!
  • Understand how and why organizations use these techniques (with examples)

What insights will I come away with?

  • Core frameworks of Weighted Value and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for a decision-maker, facilitator, or domain expert
  • Appreciate the value of reflecting, conducting post-mortems (and pre-mortems!)

Decision Science at your fingertips

Don't make another decision without Volley!